To sum it up simply...this game was/is a HUGE hit! The guys & gals @ Disney Pixar have really figured out how to make this game fun for everyone! My(7 year old) son would play 24/7 if I would let him! As would my(14 year old) daughter, (19 year old) niece & (36 year old) husband! I've played quite a bit myself!
You also get to train as secret agents at C.H.R.O.M.E.(the Command Headquarters for Recon Operations and Motorized Espionage). Here, they teach you how to do Cars maneuvers such as drifting, backwards driving, and air tricks. Another really fun aspect of this game is that you get to use one-of-a-kind weapons while you're racing. These weapons help you compete by giving your fellow racers obstacles to slow them down, causing wrecks, etc. The catch...your opponents get to use the weapons on you as well!
Cars 2: The Video Game has an ESRB Rating of Everyone to Everyone 10+ and is available in the Wii, Xbox 360, PS3, Nintendo DS and PC/Mac formats. In my opinion, children younger than 10 can play the game as well. My son is 7 and had no trouble learning the skills & racing. That's probably at least due in part to the training sessions available, as I mentioned earlier. I give this game an A+! It really is fun for everyone!
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